Friday, October 9, 2020

Sarah Sabri also drugged and anally raped bobby bomar (Caution: Serial Abuser)


Supplemental Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:03/27/2019 14:30
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:03/27/2019 14:30
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 

            Matt Lawson, Lieutenant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Steve Hinkle, Sergeant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Sarah Sabri, Former girlfriend of Mr. Bomar
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  I was 
            told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a Lincoln 
            City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident occurred in 
            Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 when Mr. 
            Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle and OSP 
            Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I was 
            advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective Carlos 
            Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            During the week of March 11, 2019, I was given information regarding 
            a former girlfriend of Bobby Bomar's who may have had a similar 
            experience with Mr. Bomar as Ms. Etheridge.  On March 27, 2019, I 
            attempted to contact Sarah Sabri by telephone.  Ms. Sabri had worked 
            in Lincoln County and had a serious relationship with Mr. Bomar 
            during 2006-2007.  She said their relationship was not publicly 
            known due to their respective jobs.  Ms. Sabri had been a Deputy 
            District Attorney and Mr. Bomar was employed at Lincoln City Police 
            Department.  I had known Ms. Sabri professionally through the 
            Lincoln County District Attorney's office and I was told through 
            another law enforcement official about her relationship with Mr. 
            Bomar.  At approximately 4:25pm, I received a call back from Ms. 
            Sabri.  She remembered who I was and agreed to speak with me about 
            their relationship.  
            Ms. Sabri was very curious about the call and why I would be 
            interested in her relationship with Mr. Bomar.  I advised Ms. Sabri 
            that I am investigating a female who has come forward alleging Mr. 
            Bomar sexual assaulted her while they were dating in 2016.  I told 
            Ms. Sabri I had understood she had a serious relationship with Mr. 
            Bomar and may have observed or experienced odd behavior from Mr. 
            Bomar.  Ms. Sabri did not hesitate saying she remembers Bobby not 
            being honest with her regarding his sexual activity while they were 
            dating.  She dated Bobby from July 2006 until June 2007.  Ms. Sabri 
            admits she was only 24 years old when they were dating and said she 
            was very naive.  She told me now looking back on their relationship, 
            it was a toxic relationship for her and she would have broken up 
            with Bobby much earlier. 
            Early on she said Bobby acted like he was hiding things from her, 
            but then would try to convince her otherwise.  She told me he kept 
            talking her out of making a big deal about him looking on dating web 
            sites while they were dating, or Ms. Sabri finding female clothing 
            at his house while they were dating.  She said Bobby would say, 
            'it's my sisters' or 'it's my ex-wifes stuff' in explaining why 
            other female clothing was at his place.  She gave me an example of 
            his dishonesty by telling me about how Bobby always using her 
            personal computer when he'd stay at her house.  Ms. Sabri was 
            curious to what he was viewing and would check his browsing history 
            on her computer but found Bobby deleted the information.  Ms. Sabri 
            felt this was odd because he was so secretive about it, so she 
            placed a 'Key Logger' on her computer.  This enabled Ms. Sabri to 
            research Bobby's history during the times when he was on her 
            computer.  It would also show Bobby's side of a conversation if he 
            was communicating with someone.  She told me she doesn't think he 
            knew she did this, but was shocked at what she saw and what he was 
            doing.  He had his profile on dating apps and had several 
            conversations, sexual in nature, with females and males, with him 
            saying how there is no one to date at the coast.  When she 
            confronted him about the dating apps, he wouldn't answer her 
            questions.  Sometimes he would tell her there was nothing to the 
            profile and she was making a big deal about it.  Ms. Sabri told 
            Bobby he was hurting her feelings and he would respond by saying, 'I 
            never would want to hurt you'.  Sometimes he would use taking his 
            'Ambien', as an excuse.   Ms. Sabri told me she was convinced he was 
            also seeing men romantically.  From her computer, she had identified 
            a man locally, intercepting Bobby's conversation with this man, but 
            did not approach Bobby about it.  Ms. Sabri told me Bobby and her 
            would have unprotected sex since he had a vasectomy.  She told me 
            when they finally did break up, she went to a gynecologist to get 
            tested for STD's, making sure she had not contracted anything.  
            Ms. Sabri then told me there was a time that sticks out in her mind. 
             She paused and told me she has had only two experiences in her 
            lifetime where things were foggy or she felt she was missing bits 
            and pieces of events.  One of those experience was in a safe 
            environment when she was traveling with some girlfriends.  She did 
            not remember the walk back to their hotel, but nothing questionable 
            happened to her.  The other experience was with Bobby.  She 
            proceeded to tell me the incident with Bobby that was fuzzy to her.  
            She told me it was early in the relationship, maybe August of 2006.  
            She told me she knew Bobby took Ambien to help him sleep and 
            admitted she didn't know much about the drug.  One night she asked 
            him if she could try one because she hadn't been sleeping well.  
            Bobby gave her one of his Ambien.  Ms. Sabri told me she and Bobby 
            began to have sex and she said "This was the part where it got 
            foggy".  Ms. Sabri said she doesn't remember what happened once they 
            started having sex, but she woke up to being confident she had been 
            anally penetrated.  Ms. Sabri told me the last thing she remembers 
            was her and Bobby fooling around, beginning to have vaginal sexual 
            intercourse, but then remembering nothing until waking up the next 
            morning feeling pressure and sensitivity in her rectum.  Ms. Sabri 
            said she had never had anal sex before and has not had it since this 
            experience.  She also said she has never taken another Ambien 
            either.  She told me she didn't bring it up with Bobby and he didn't 
            mention it to her.  I asked her why she didn't ask Bobby about it.  
            She told me she feels it was kind of on her since she asked for the 
            Ambien.  She admits it was weird that Bobby didn't mention what he 
            had done.  She admits she would've acted differently and not 
            tolerated it if that were to have happened today.  I asked Ms. Sabri 
            if Bobby ever asked her if they could have anal sex.  She told me 
            "No".  She told me the closest he ever got to anal anything is when 
            he would fondle her bottom while having vaginal sex. 
            She told me she didn't truly realize how potent the Ambien was until 
            she told me about one night, late, where Bobby left several voice 
            messages on her phone regarding an 'accident' that happened.  She 
            told me it was hard to understand what he was saying.  He was 
            talking like he had been drinking and she knew he took Ambien.  One 
            message would say he thinks he hurt himself.  Another message said 
            he was fixing the molding in his house with a power tool and he cut 
            his fingers.  Another message would say he's bleeding pretty bad.  
            Ms. Sabri told me he was talking gibberish, but she felt it was 
            serious so she called an ambulance to his house.  He left another 
            voice message telling her he thinks he was going to the hospital.  
            When she responded to the hospital, the nurse told her she was 
            concerned as to why Bobby was so 'out of it'.  The nurse said his 
            blood alcohol content was too low for him to be impaired.  Ms. Sabri 
            told the nurse Bobby usually takes an Ambien at night and the nurse 
            then said 'Oh, that would do it'.  Ms. Sabri told me if she would 
            have known about how potent Ambien was, she would have never asked 
            Bobby for one.     
            Ms. Sabri also told me about a time when a married couple from 
            Washington state came down to visit Bobby.  She told me this couple 
            happened to be 'swingers' and Ms. Sabri told me Bobby was trying to 
            inquire if she'd be into that too.  She told him she wasn't into 
            that.  Ms. Sabri remembers at one point, the four of them drinking 
            then going into the hot tub.  The couples were 'making out' with 
            their respective partners when she felt she was digitally 
            penetrated.  She admits to being a bit buzzed from the alcohol and 
            at that moment, she stopped kissing Bobby and saw both of his hands. 
             She was confused about who was doing that to her and she got out of 
            the hot tub immediately.  Ms. Sabri tried to get Bobby to explain 
            whose fingers those were inside of her and Bobby defended his 
            friend, saying it was "absurd" she was accusing his friend of that.  
             He would convince her she was too sensitive, jealous and 
            over-reacting.  She told me if she hadn't been drinking she would 
            have left his house.  The next morning, Ms. Sabri approached the 
            wife saying she wasn't on board with the 'swingers thing' and the 
            female told her 'okay, some people aren't into it'.    
            Ms. Sabri told me their relationship finally ended in June of 2017 
            when she came back from a Germany trip with her family.  When she 
            got back, Ms. Sabri told me Bobby was acting weird and pretty much 
            told her he didn't have time for a relationship.  Not long after 
            they broke up, Ms. Sabri received a job offer to be a Deputy 
            District Attorney in Lane County, so she accepted the job and moved 
            away from Lincoln County.  
            She told me she learned a lot of lessons from this relationship and 
            how awful and manipulating Bobby was.  She told me if she would have 
            trusted herself more, she would have left him much earlier.  She 
            also told me she went to counseling because of the relationship.  In 
            fact, she said, Bobby recommended the same counselor he was seeing.  
            His ex-wife was also seeing this counselor.     
            CASE STATUS:
            Case continues.  Please refer to subsequent reports following this 
            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955

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Jonathan Cable - DA - Use of Deadly Force by L.C.P.O. (5.1.20) David A. Xanatos, 40 shot in testicles by rubber bullet/ killed by officer bobby bomar et al.

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