Friday, October 9, 2020

Trigger Warning: Serial Rapist in Lincoln County - BE CAREFUL (Lincoln City)


(pictures via lincoln city, oregon police facebook)

just found this posted on craigslist 10 hours ago

Serial Rapist in Lincoln County - BE CAREFUL (Lincoln City)

This report has been redacted. Phone numbers, driver's license numbers, dates of birth and addresses have been removed. Oregon State Police Incident: SP19072529 Incident Details: Incident Type:Rape Incident Time:12/17/2016 17:00 - 12/18/2016 04:00 Reported Time:02/27/2019 14:13 Incident Location:550 SW OAK ST, PORTLAND, MULTNOMAH OR USA 97204 (THE COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT) (Beat: PPO, Region: NWR) 97204 Incident Status:Open Summary:On February 25, 2019, an adult female contacted police alleging she had been sexually assaulted/raped by her former boyfriend, a current police officer in the Lincoln County Community, in December of 2016. The incident occurred in Multnomah County, however the victim and suspect reside and are employed in Lincoln County. Newport and Salem OSP/MCS are investigating the case. (i am surprised by the lack of redactions in this report. perhaps the victim should try to make lincoln city observe rape shield. it is possible she waived that. i am republishing it without redactions. please contact me at if it would help the victim to anonymize this. it may be also useful to keep a record of the apparent privacy breach. any additional details about this case, i would appreciate)
This report has been redacted. Phone numbers, driver's license numbers, dates of birth and addresses have been removed.

Oregon State Police
      Incident: SP19072529

Incident Details:
      Incident Type:Rape
      Incident Time:12/17/2016 17:00 - 12/18/2016 04:00
      Reported Time:02/27/2019 14:13
      Incident Location:550 SW OAK ST, PORTLAND, MULTNOMAH OR USA 97204 (THE 
      COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT) (Beat: PPO, Region: NWR) 97204
      Incident Status:Open
      Summary:On February 25, 2019, an adult female contacted police alleging 
      she had been sexually assaulted/raped by her former boyfriend, a current 
      police officer in the Lincoln County Community, in December of 2016. The 
      incident occurred in Multnomah County, however the victim and suspect 
      reside and are employed in Lincoln County. Newport and Salem OSP/MCS are 
      investigating the case. 

Involved Persons:
      Name:BOMAR, BOBBY Gender:Male

      Name:ETHERIDGE, CAMILLE Gender:Female

      Name:MURRAY, DAVE Gender:Male

      Name:ORTIZ, KATIE Gender:Female

      Name:WEITZEL, SELINA MARIE Gender:Female

      Name:SABRI, SARAH MOFIDA Gender:Female

      Name:BRODERICK, DAVID Gender:Male

      Name:LEROY, IAN CAMERON Gender:Male

      Name:THOMPSON, MYRA Gender:Female

      Name:FERDER, FRAN Gender:Female


      Name:MALLOY, JASON Gender:Male

Involved Property:
  P19010357 / Police recording / Evidence / AUDIO RECORDING 
  P19010358 / Police recording / Evidence / AUDIO RECORDING 
  P19010360 / Other: Miscellaneous papers/documents / Evidence / [MEDICAL 
  P19010361 / Other: Miscellaneous papers/documents / Evidence / [MEDICAL 
  P19010365 / Other: Miscellaneous papers/documents / Evidence / [MEDICAL 
  P19010366 / Other: Miscellaneous papers/documents / Evidence / [MEDICAL 
Involved Officers:
  9 / SALEM DETECTIVES / OSP140 / OSP / Assignable / 04/08/2019 / 20190408 
  Detective / 9 / HINKLE, STEVEN / #46847 / OSP / Officer / SALEM DETECTIVES / 
  03/06/2019 / 20190306 --:--:--:--- 
  Detective / 9 / BARRIENTOS, CARLOS / #41614 / OSP / Officer / SALEM DETECTIVES 
  / 03/06/2019 / 20190306 --:--:--:--- 
  Detective; Reporting Officer/Case Lead / 9 / URBIGKEIT, CARLA / #32955 / OSP / 
  Officer / SALEM DETECTIVES / 03/06/2019 / 20190306 --:--:--:--- 
  Other / 9 / LAWSON, MATTHEW / #41626 / OSP / Officer / NW REGION CRIMINAL 
  COMMAND / 02/27/2019 / 20190227 --:--:--:--- 
General Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:03/06/2019 11:29
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:03/06/2019 11:29
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 
            Matt Lawson, Lieutenant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Steve Hinkle, Sergeant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Ian Leroy, Camille's son
            Fran Ferder, Gleneden Beach, Lincoln County, Oregon
            Myra Thompson DNP, Lincoln City, Lincoln County, Oregon 
            Jennifer Hamilton, MD, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon 
            Arun Ramon, Surgeon, Samaritan Health Services, Lincoln City, 
            Lincoln County, Oregon
            Jason Malloy, Newport Police Department, Chief
            Jon Humphreys, Newport Police Department, Police Officer
            Dave Broderick, Lincoln City Police Department, Lieutenant 
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
              Recorded interview of Camille Etheridge, dated February 25, 2019
              Recorded interview of pretext phone call between Camille Etheridge 
              and Bobby Bomar, dated February 27, 2019
              Medical records from: Dr. Myra Thompson, Dr. Arun Raman, Dr. Fern 
              Ferder and Dr. Jennifer Hamilton 
              Facebook Messenger conversations between Camille Etheridge and 
              Bobby Bomar

            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  I was 
            told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a Lincoln 
            City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident occurred in 
            Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 when Mr. 
            Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle and OSP 
            Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I was 
            advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective Carlos 
            Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            On Monday, February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, I received a 
            telephone call and a text message from Chief Jason Malloy regarding 
            an adult female in their office who is reporting being raped by a 
            police officer of Lincoln County.  Chief Malloy advised the police 
            officer mentioned was not a Newport Police Officer and asked if I 
            could take over the report.  I responded to the Newport Police 
            Department at approximately 3:25pm and met the adult female.  
            Officer Humphreys introduced me to Camille Etheridge and he advised 
            we could use the NPD conference room to talk.  
            The following is a summary of what Ms. Etheridge reported to me.  
            The summary does not contain all of the comments made during the 
            interview, nor does it necessarily reflect the chronology of the 
            discussion.  For a verbatim account of the interview, refer to the 
            audio recording of the interview in its entirety.  After the 
            interview, I transferred a copy of the recording to a CD and entered 
            it into evidence under exhibit CJU/E-1.  Ms. Etheridge told me she 
            was with her boyfriend at the time, Bobby Bomar and they had been 
            dating for about three months.  She said they first started going 
            out in September 2016.  I asked how they met and she said just 
            seeing each other around town.  Ms. Etheridge told me she worked for 
            the Mental Health office in Lincoln City and had met him through 
            there.  She told me she asked him out for a cup of coffee and it 
            went on from there.  She said they had dated for about three months 
            when they decided to go to Portland for the night.  She told me 
            that's when it happened and after that they didn't see each other 
            She told me on December 17th, 2016, she and Bobby arrived in 
            Portland and checked in to the Marriott Hotel in the downtown area.  
            She told me she doesn't remember which Marriott it was.  Bobby drove 
            his Toyota pick-up.  Ms. Etheridge told me during this time, Bobby 
            was living with a gal named Selina.  Bobby told Ms. Etheridge they 
            used to date, but were no longer romantically involved and he just 
            lives with her until he can find a place on his own.  Ms. Etheridge 
            said she remembers Bobby telling her this while in Portland.  He 
            also said he had to tell Selina he was going to Portland to stay 
            with his sister.  Ms. Etheridge thought that was weird lying to 
            Selina if there wasn't anything going on (romantically) with them.  
            Ms. Etheridge knew one of his sisters did in fact live in Portland.  

            Once at the hotel, they unpacked and watched some television before 
            going out.  They had walked around a bit and got something small to 
            eat.  Ms. Etheridge said they went back to the hotel and left again 
            to go get a drink and eat dinner.  She told me the last thing she 
            remembers that evening was them walking to a restaurant/bar called 
            'The Independent' at approximately 7:00pm.  She said it was within 
            walking distance from the hotel, but wasn't too long of a walk.  I 
            asked her how she knew what time it was, and she told me she thinks 
            she texted her son and saw the time when she texted him.  She 
            ordered one of her favorite drinks, a midori sour, and drank a 
            couple sips then went to go to the bathroom or get some water.  When 
            she returned back to where they were sitting, she finished her 
            drink.  Not long after finishing her drink, she began feeling very 
            hot and nauseous.  She told me she began sweating and felt like she 
            was going to vomit.  Ms. Etheridge thinks she even told Bobby she 
            feels like she is going to throw up and she remembers Bobby telling 
            her "I hope you're okay".   She told me that was the last thing she 
            remembers.  She told me she doesn't even remember leaving the 
            restaurant.  Ms. Etheridge told me she couldn't tell me if she 
            walked back to the hotel or if Bobby carried her or what.  She told 
            me she doesn't remember anything until waking up to Bobby's penis 
            inside of her anus.  She then told me she had never had anal sex 
            with anybody and it hurt.  She told me she never gave the indication 
            of wanting anal sex with Bobby.  She told me she would never agree 
            to having anal sex.  She told me she thinks it's disgusting and she 
            doesn't know where Bobby got the idea that it would be okay.  Ms. 
            Etheridge told me she is not a heavy drinker and just drinks 
            socially on occasion.  She also told me she has consumed one or two 
            alcoholic beverages before and never became drunk or loopy enough to 
            where she doesn't remember her actions.  Ms. Etheridge said she 
            takes medication and it has never affected her in a way, while 
            drinking an alcoholic beverage, where it had made her black out.  
            I asked Ms. Etheridge about their previous sexual activity with each 
            other.  She said they had been sexually active before their trip to 
            Portland.  I asked if they had sex right away after dating and she 
            told me it was about a month or so before they had sex.  I asked if 
            she thought their sexual relationship was good and she said "Yes".  
            I asked if their sex life was pretty traditional or if there were 
            other ways they had sex.  She told me it was pretty typical, no 
            bondage or anything crazy like that.  I asked if anything disturbed 
            her or made her concerned about being with Bobby intimately and she 
            told me nothing had raised a red flag with Bobby.  She told me even 
            when she has tried to ask Bobby about what he did to her in 
            Portland, "...He has never been a jerk or anything, but his whole 
            thing right here was enough to make him a bad person in my eyes".  
            Ms. Etheridge continued explaining that when she came to, she was 
            naked on the hotel bed with her face on the pillow and Bobby's penis 
            was inside of her anus.  She was on her stomach and felt Bobby's 
            hand between her shoulder blades, holding her against the bed.  She 
            said it took a few moments to figure out what was going on and she 
            said she was just "blown away".  I asked how long he stayed inside 
            of her when she came to and she said she thinks he was finishing up 
            because she could tell he ejaculated inside of her.  She estimated 
            the time she felt him inside of her was probably around 30-40 
            seconds.  She told me she had no idea how long he had been doing it 
            before she came to.  I asked if it was painful and she said it was.  
            I asked if she remember him saying anything and she said she doesn't 
            remember.  I asked her if she said anything to Bobby and she told me 
            she doesn't remember saying anything to him, but thinks she was 
            moaning in pain.  She told me he pulled out of her anus and laid 
            down on the bed with his back to her.  She slowly go up and turned 
            around and sat down on her butt and that's when she noticed that 
            there was blood on the other side of the bed.  Ms. Etheridge said it 
            looked dryish and that made her think how long he had been doing 
            this to her.  She told me she didn't remember any of it.  She 
            noticed there was blood underneath her where she had been sitting on 
            the bed.  She told me she covered herself up, laid back down with 
            her back to Bobby and cried til she fell asleep.  I asked Ms. 
            Etheridge if lights were on in the room and she said it wasn't pitch 
            dark, but it was somewhat lit by indirect lighting.  She didn't know 
            from where.  She also said she looked at the digital clock and 
            thought she saw it displayed the time, 1:30am. 
            She told me when she arrived back home the following day, she was 
            still shocked and confused about what he did to her.  She thought 
            she should report what happened to the police, but changed her mind. 
             She told me, "I was afraid to report it because I didn't think 
            anybody would believe me because it's me against a cop".  She 
            continued saying she also didn't want the Lincoln City police to 
            mess with her son at her expense.  She told me her son, Ian, works 
            for the funeral home and police officers see him regularly when he 
            picks up dead bodies.  All she could think of was Bobby hauling Ian 
            off out in the woods and being shot, or harassing him by pulling him 
            over all the time, giving him tickets that he can't afford, "so I 
            just left it alone".  She then said, she is embarrassed and 
            humiliated, "But now I'm pissed".  She told me no one should be able 
            to get away with what he did to her.  
            I asked Ms. Etheridge to explain in more detail about the next 
            morning, when they woke up.  She told me she is till foggy about the 
            next day, but remembers some things.  She said Bobby barely spoke to 
            her at all, and thinks he went right in to the bathroom to take a 
            shower.  During the drive home, she remembers him asking, "How's 
            your butt?"  She couldn't believe he asked her that and she told 
            him, "It hurts really bad".  She thinks the drive home was quiet 
            because she doesn't remember a lot of talking.  When Bobby drove up 
            to her apartment, he just dropped her off.  She said he didn't walk 
            her up to her door, give her a hug or a kiss.  She said that was 
            very unusual because he was normally very affectionate.  The 
            following three days, she told me they didn't speak to each other at 
            all.  She said they went from calling and texting each other 
            multiple times a day, to nothing.  Ms. Etheridge said she remembers 
            during this time, she saw him in his patrol car as she was pulling 
            into the Safeway parking lot.  He waved at her and kept driving.  
            She thought he would reach out to her at that time, but he didn't.  
            She thinks she sent him a text that day asking him what 's going on 
            and he responded saying he has been busy.  She remembers him coming 
            over to her apartment on his lunch break during that same week and 
            they spoke in her kitchen for a couple minutes.  Ms. Etheridge said 
            she was unsure of how to act in front of him and didn't know how to 
            feel or what to say.  She had loved Bobby and then was confused 
            about what he had done to her.  After Bobby left, she texted him and 
            told him she didn't want to see him anymore and she just left it at 
            that.  She told me she didn't explain to him why.  He just said 
            something like, 'Okay, I understand'.   She said it was probably 
            before Christmas when she broke up with him.   She told me she feels 
            him distancing himself from her made no sense.  She told me before 
            Portland, they talked on the phone, visited in person and texted 
            each other every day.  They would often get up early before work and 
            meet at Starbucks and sit in his truck and just talk.  So his 
            avoidance of her, she said, was very different from his usual 
            behavior.  She told me she feels he was doing this because he knows 
            he did something wrong to her.
            Ms. Etheridge told me she reached out to her psychologist, Dr. Fran 
            Ferder, on March 21, 2017, advising she really needed to speak with 
            her.  Dr. Ferder is a licensed Therapist who previously had an 
            office in Gleneden Beach, Oregon.  She has since moved her practice 
            to Salem, Oregon.  I asked Ms. Etheridge how long she had seen Dr. 
            Ferder and she told me about three years.  From a brief email to Dr. 
            Ferder, Ms. Etheridge explained what happened and how little she 
            remembers.  Ms. Etheridge told me Dr. Ferder urged her to report the 
            incident to police, but Ms. Etheridge told her she was too scared to 
            go forward with a report.  Ms. Etheridge told me Dr. Ferder offered 
            the services of her brother who is a Private Investigator.  She told 
            Ms. Etheridge he could look into it 'under the radar', but Ms. 
            Etheridge figured somehow police would be notified and it would get 
            back to Bobby.  Ms. Etheridge continued seeing Dr. Ferder until she 
            was unable to afford the sessions in December of 2017.  During the 
            therapy sessions, Ms. Etheridge told Dr. Ferder she was still having 
            painful issues with her rectum and Dr. Ferder recommended her to 
            make an appointment with a medical doctor to make sure she was 
            physically okay. 
            On June 28, 2017 and October 10, 2017, Ms. Etheridge also saw Dr. 
            Jennifer Hamilton in Corvallis, Oregon.  Dr. Hamilton is also a 
            licensed Therapist and had been seeing Ms. Etheridge before the 
            incident occurred in December 2016.  Ms. Etheridge reported the 
            sexual assault to Dr. Hamilton.      
            I asked Ms. Etheridge to explain her physical symptoms after being 
            penetrated anally.  She said besides the random bleeding from her 
            rectum, she also experienced minor fecal incontinence and lower 
            abdominal pain.  She told me her incontinence wasn't severe like 
            "horrible explosive", it was more leaking that she couldn't control. 
             She told me she had to wear adult diapers because it would happen 
            at random times.  During the months of April and May 2017, Ms. 
            Etheridge consulted medical professionals regarding her signs and 
            symptoms.  Dr. Myra Thompson, of Adventist Health Medical Group in 
            Lincoln City, performed routine gynelogical testing on Ms. 
            Etheridge.  On April 4, 2017, Dr. Thompson discovered Ms. Etheridge 
            had contracted a sexually transmitted disease, specifically the 
            human papilloma virus (HPV).  Due to the several strains of HPV, Ms. 
            Etheridge continued to seek gynelogical testing for updated 
            information.  Upon subsequent cervical Papanicolaou (pap) smear 
            testing, the HPV contracted by the STD is still resulting positive 
            results through her cell tests and her lab work is coming back as an 
            abnormal pap.  Ms. Etheridge advised she hadn't had sex with anyone 
            for three years until dating Bobby.  The pap smears during that time 
            were normal.  I asked her if she has had sex with anybody besides 
            Bobby during her relationship with Bobby and she told me "No".  I 
            asked her if she had anal sex with anybody else, and she told me 
            "No".  I asked if she ever had anal sex in her lifetime and she told 
            me "Absolutely not".  I asked Ms. Etheridge if she has had sex with 
            anyone since dating Bobby and she told me "No".  Dr. Thompson 
            referred her to Dr. Arun Ramon, of Samaritan Health Services in 
            Lincoln City, due to the rectal incontinence and bleeding.  Dr. 
            Raman conducted a colonoscopy and discovered rectal tearing 
            contributing from sexual trauma/penetration.  I asked Ms. Etheridge 
            why she waited to see the doctor for her rectal problems and she 
            told me she basically was embarrassed and figured the pain would go 
            away on its own.  She told me she didn't want the doctor to think 
            she was 'that way'.  The pain and incontinence were not healing, and 
            both her therapist and her gynecologist advised to see a 
            professional.  Dr. Thompson recommended Dr. Arun Ramon.  Once the 
            tears were discovered being associated with a sexual assault, she 
            asked the doctor’s office if they had to report it and she was told 
            they weren't obligated to report it unless either participant was 
            under 18.  I asked Ms. Etheridge what Dr. Ramon did for her 
            treatment and she told me there wasn't much he could do because it 
            was slowly healing on its own.  She told me he gave her "Kegel" type 
            exercises to strengthen her muscles.   Around July 2017, Ms. 
            Etheridge was also seen for kidney stones.  She told me she had 
            kidney stones in the past and saw Dr. Rosencrantz, of Oregon Urology 
            Clinic.  The stones were removed and she had no prolonged effects 
            from the procedure.  
            I asked Ms. Etheridge how she feels today, and she told me 
            physically she is fine.
            Ms. Etheridge told me a couple months had passed when she received a 
            voice message from Bobby on her cell phone.  She thinks it was in 
            mid April, 2017.  She was at work and didn't answer her cell phone.  
            Bobby had left a long voice message, probably 5-7 minutes, telling 
            her how sorry he was.  She quoted him saying, "I'm so sorry for what 
            I did".  Ms. Etheridge told me Bobby did not elaborate what he did 
            to her, just that he was sorry for it.  She told me she was annoyed 
            at him calling to say sorry and deleted the voice message.  She 
            later wished she hadn't deleted the message.  She continued saying 
            she had been hesitant to turn him in because she had no proof, and 
            realizes now that the voice message would've been useful.  She 
            thought to herself, without proof and reporting what he did to her, 
            she figured she was just putting a 'target on her back'.  
            During the interview, Ms. Etheridge told me she brought some 
            documents of a conversation she had with Bobby regarding what 
            happened in Portland.  She said she initiated contact via Facebook 
            Messenger in January of this year.  She gave them to me to read.  
            She explained that she had taken screen shots from 'Facebook 
            Messenger' of a conversation she had with Mr. Bomar on January 21, 
            2019.  She told me she couldn't stop thinking about what happened in 
            Portland and wanted answers.  She said she took photographs (screen 
            shots) of the conversation because she was telling him how she felt. 
             How she felt raped by him when they were in Portland.  His response 
            was odd to her and she kept the conversation on her computer.  At 
            one point during the conversation, Ms. Etheridge wrote, "I am not 
            sure what you were thinking that night.  Regular sex would have been 
            ok, but not what you did.  Regardless of what your intent was, I 
            felt like I had been raped and by someone who said that he wanted to 
            protect me and take care of me".   In the same paragraph, Ms. 
            Etheridge wrote, "I just wanted you to know that what you did has 
            nearly broken me".  She also informed him of contracting the STD.  
            Mr. Bomar responded by blaming it on his former girlfriend and 
            saying it (the STD) has been on his mind.  He also wrote, "I am 
            beyond ashamed and sorry. I feel like a total piece of shit right 
            now".  Mr. Bomar did not comment on Ms. Etheridge feeling like she 
            had been raped.  Ms. Etheridge responded to his comment and said, "I 
            was there because I wanted to have some time away from town with 
            someone that I loved and wanted to spend time with.  I should not 
            have ended up having to be seen by a surgeon for something that I 
            didn't even agree to do.  I wasn't even given a choice.  Had you 
            been decent enough to wait until I had my wits about me, I would 
            have said no".  Mr. Bomar responded by saying, "I don't know how to 
            respond to that, but I understand completely what your saying.  And 
            I will say this again, I never meant to hurt you like this. That is 
            sincere". He also asked her if he could meet with her in person for 
            coffee to talk and she asked, "What did you want to talk about?"  He 
            responded saying, "Just about how things were miscommunicated.  I 
            feel if I don't explain things we will be left back in the unknown.  
            I'm not good at typing my feelings."   He continued saying, "What 
            you think of me is important.  I swear on my life I never ever 
            wanted to hurt you.  And you feeling pain from this really hits me 
            hard."   Ms. Etheridge said she did not feel comfortable with seeing 
            him in person because she still had feelings for Bobby and told him 
            seeing him in person would not happen.  Ms. Etheridge told me there 
            was more to the conversation that day.  She told me there were some 
            comments about him losing his brother and brother-in-law, being at 
            training, traveling back in the snow and some local news.  She took 
            screen shots of the entire conversation and gave me a copy of all 
            the screen shots.  Ms. Etheridge told me later that she did not know 
            his brother had died.  (Please refer to the Facebook Messenger 
            conversation attached to this report).    She also had documents of 
            her doctor’s visit in April 2017. 
            Towards the end of the interview.  Ms. Etheridge told me she was 
            moving away from Lincoln City on Thursday and her son is moving with 
            her.  She told me she felt better about coming forward to police in 
            Newport knowing she isn't in the same city as Mr. Bomar.  She 
            appeared very nervous and asked if Bobby will find out before she 
            has a chance to move to Newport.  I told her I couldn't promise her 
            that he won't know about the allegation before Thursday.  I asked 
            her if she was willing to call Mr. Bomar and ask him about the night 
            in Portland.  She said she would be willing to make the call.  We 
            spoke about meeting within the next day or two and she said that 
            would be fine.  She again reminded me she was moving, but would be 
            At 4:30pm, the interview ended and I told Ms. Etheridge I would be 
            in touch with her.  I gave her my business card and told her to call 
            me anytime if she had any questions or concerns.  She told me she is 
            just concerned about Bobby finding out and harassing her.  I told 
            her if anyone tries to contact her, to call me or have them call me. 
            After the interview, I contacted Sergeant Steve Hinkle and advised 
            of the allegation.  Sgt. Hinkle advised the Lieutenant and Captain 
            of the criminal division and made the appropriate notifications.    
            CASE STATUS:
            Case continues.  Please refer to subsequent reports following this 
            initial report.

            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955

Supplemental Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:03/12/2019 11:30
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:03/12/2019 11:30
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 
            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Ian Leroy, Camille's son
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
              Recorded interview of Camille Etheridge, dated February 25, 2019
              Recorded interview of pretext phone call between Camille Etheridge 
              and Bobby Bomar, dated February 27, 2019
              Facebook Messenger conversations between Camille Etheridge and 
              Bobby Bomar

            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  I was 
            told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a Lincoln 
            City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident occurred in 
            Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 when Mr. 
            Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle and OSP 
            Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I was 
            advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective Carlos 
            Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            Upon obtaining statements from Ms. Etheridge regarding the sexual 
            assault in Portland and the events that took place afterwards, I 
            asked Ms. Etheridge if she would be willing to call Mr. Bomar and 
            having him talk about the incident.  She agreed and met myself and 
            Detective Carlos Barrientos at the Oregon State Police office in 
            Newport, Lincoln County, Oregon.  I explained how the phone 
            conversation worked and how it was going to be recorded.  She seemed 
            nervous and anxious and asked appropriate questions.  I told her 
            Detective Barrientos and I would be in the room with her and if she 
            felt uncomfortable or too stressed, to just tell him she needed to 
            go and hang up the phone.  I told her we would not be able to hear 
            what Mr. Bomar was saying, only what she was saying.  She understood 
            and agreed to call him on her cell phone.   
            At approximately 2:20pm, Ms. Etheridge dialed Mr. Bomar's personal 
            cell phone number.  She said this has been his phone 
            number since she has known him.  I started the recording.  The 
            following is a summary of the conversation between Ms. Etheridge and 
            Mr. Bomar.  The summary does not contain all of the comments made 
            during the phone call, nor does it necessarily reflect the 
            chronology of the discussion.  For a verbatim account of the phone 
            call, refer to the audio recording of the phone call in its 
            entirety.  After the phone call, I transferred a copy of the 
            recording to a CD and entered it into evidence under exhibit 
            After three rings, a man answered the phone.  Ms. Etheridge asked if 
            it was Bobby and he said "Yeah".  She told him it was Camille and he 
            asked how she was.  She said "All right" and told him how she is 
            trying to let this go, but needed to ask him what happened that 
            night.  He told her that is why he wanted to meet with her for 
            coffee.  She told Bobby she couldn't meet him because she was afraid 
            to be around him.  Ms. Etheridge became emotional and began crying.  
            She told Bobby she doesn't know what else to do.  He told her not to 
            be that way.  He said, "I don't need you to be afraid of me.  Please 
            Camille, don't, don't be afraid of me".   Ms. Etheridge told him 
            that she needed to tell him what happened.  Mr. Bomar said "Okay, 
            let me go to a different area".   Mr. Bomar then said  "...I've been 
            just, I've been tore up over this ever since you reached out to me a 
            month ago.  I, it was just, living with this".  Ms. Etheridge 
            interrupted him and said she has been living with this for a year 
            and a half and "I guarantee it's been worse for me".  Mr. Bomar 
            said, "I had no idea that you were hurt this way.  I swear to you, I 
            feel beyond. I'm not, I'm not that person.  I, you meant the world 
            to me".  Ms. Etheridge told him she wanted to  know what happened.  
            Mr. Bomar proceeded to say, "Well, see, that's where... we got 
            there."  Ms. Etheridge interrupted and said "Got where?".  He told 
            her Portland.  She told him she remembers sitting at the bar and 
            nothing after that.  Mr. Bomar responded saying, "But, see, we were 
            intimate before the bar".  Ms. Etheridge said, "What?".  He told 
            her, "We were intimate before we went out for drinks, that's why I 
            don't understand..."  She confirmed with him asking, "We had anal 
            sex before going to the bar?".   Mr. Bomar said he would never take 
            advantage of her in any way.  She then said "Did you hear me?  We 
            had anal sex before we went to the bar?"  Mr. Bomar responded by 
            saying, "We had, before we went to the bar".  Ms. Etheridge said, 
            "There's no way".  When Ms. Etheridge told him she was blacked out 
            for hours Mr. Bomar responded by saying he didn't understand that.  
            She told him when she came to, he was in her butt.  Then she asked 
            if she did something to make him mad.  He told her she's never made 
            him mad.  Then he said "I was so confused over everything that 
            happened beyond after that.  I had no idea."  Ms. Etheridge told him 
            she knows they didn't do it before because the last thing she 
            remembers is being at the bar, then waking up to him "screwing me in 
            the ass".  She then added, "...then the next morning you had the 
            fucking nerve to ask me how my butt was".  Then said, "What the hell 
            is wrong with you?"  Mr. Bomar said, "Camille, Camille please, there 
            was no way that was how it was".  Ms. Etheridge said, "I would never 
            ever had agreed to do that".  "And you didn't ask me, did we even 
            discuss it?"  Mr. Bomar said, "Camille, I was, when we were, when we 
            were, when we were having intercourse, I was talking to you".   She 
            told him she was blacked out so how could he have been speaking with 
            her.  Mr. Bomar told her he had no idea.  Ms. Etheridge asked him 
            how he could not know.  He told her, "I did not know.  I would 
            never, I would never do that to a human being, uh, ever in my life 
            I've never abused a person".  Ms. Etheridge told him they didn't do 
            anything before going to the bar because they weren't at the hotel 
            very long.  Mr. Bomar said, "We got there, yeah, it's, I mean, it, 
            it's been a couple of years ago.  I just, I'm trying, I've been 
            ,I've been putting this all through my head for about a, over a 
            month now trying to work this out".  Mr. Bomar said, "I swear to 
            you, I swear, Camille, I never, ever, ever wanted to violate or hurt 
            you. I promise you".  Ms. Etheridge responded by saying, "Well, you 
            As Ms. Etheridge was saying she was blacked out, Mr. Bomar kept 
            saying he didn't know.  He told her she didn't have that much to 
            drink and he hardly drank anything either.  He said, "I had, well, I 
            mean, I remember it was cold out, and I remember getting up and we 
            talked and we went and had coffee.  And then it, I, I remember going 
            to Starbucks.  I thought, I thought everything was fine".  Ms. 
            Etheridge told him she doesn't remember any of that and began crying 
            again.  Mr. Bomar told her he doesn't know why she doesn't remember 
            anything.  He told her he thought "everything was great".  He told 
            her they went to Starbucks, they got coffee, they drove and talked 
            all the way back.  Ms. Etheridge said "No we didn't".  She said he 
            hardly spoke to her on the way home, dropped her off and then didn't 
            have anything to do with her for a week.  Ms. Etheridge told him she 
            thinks it's because "you knew you fucked up".  Mr. Bomar replied 
            saying, "No, that is not it.  That is so not it.  I, I, I'm telling 
            you right now, this, this is not how this is.  I swear to you.  I 
            swear to you...please, I'm not, I'm not the guy you think I am, I'm 
            not that person".  She told him not in a million years would she 
            have agreed to have anal sex.  She said she thinks it's disgusting 
            and it was very painful.  Mr. Bomar told her he doesn't know where 
            this is coming from.  She asked him then why did he call several 
            months later saying how sorry he was over and over again.  Mr. Bomar 
            told her, "I called you to say I'm sorry for us.  I had no idea.  I 
            was calling to say I was sorry that things went the way they went.  
            I was sorry that, that, that we broke up.  I was, I was so, uh, I 
            mean, literally.  I mean, I talked to you about everything.  I, I, I 
            was, I was, I was so surprised and set back by what happened between 
            Ms. Etheridge again asked Mr. Bomar, "At what point did I willingly 
            agree to have anal sex?  Because I don't remember even being asked.  
            I don't remember having any kind of conversation like that.  I don't 
            remember anything after we left the bar".  Mr. Bomar responded 
            saying, "I don't know what to say to that".  He told her, "I, I am 
            just as in the dark of this as you are when it comes to this.  I'm 
            trying to put it together and I had no idea that you felt this way". 
             "I don't like you being upset, and I don't want to feel, I want to 
            figure out a way to work with you to make you, to , to help you 
            through dealing with this, 'cause we're both, now we're both in 
            this. I feel horrible".  Ms. Etheridge asked, "Whose, whose big 
            bright idea was it for us to have anal sex?"  There was a 
            substantial pause and Mr. Bomar said, "I, I just don't even know 
            what to say to that.  I don't".  Ms. Etheridge said, "So, then I 
            could say it probably was not my idea then? That's what I'm 
            hearing".  Mr. Bomar said, "I don't know what to say.  We were, we 
            were everything, I, I, I would never do something like that to you". 
             Mr. Bomar told her he would never do anything to violate her.  He 
            said he would never force himself on her.  He also told her there 
            were no indications of her being blacked out.  He told her, "I would 
            never touch you if you were blacked out".  He said they were 
            intimate with each other and he thought everything was going good.  
            He said, "I had no idea this was a problem".  He told her he feels 
            extremely horrible for this and he will feel this for the rest of 
            his life.  Ms. Etheridge said, "Good, you need to".  Mr. Bomar 
            replied, "but that's, that's something I'll, I will wear like a 
            coat, but, but I, it, It's because I feel that, I, that you’re 
            feeling this way, in feeling the stuff that you feel, uh, I, I, 
            'cause I don't, uh, I, I, I just would never do this to a human 
            being".  Ms. Etheridge asked him if he's implying she's losing her 
            mind and he said "No, not at all".  He told her he's not saying 
            that.  Ms. Etheridge again asked Mr. Bomar, "tell me what the hell 
            happened, because I don't remember anything".  He told her, "We went 
            to the bar, we had drinks, we weren't there for very long...we went 
            back to the Motel". Then he said he was under the impression that 
            they were intimate before they went out.  She told him, "No, we 
            weren't, and I never, ever would have agreed to have anal sex if I 
            was in my right mind.  There is no way".  He told Ms. Etheridge he 
            was sorry she feels this way and she told him that doesn't do her 
            any good.  She said he needs to be sorry for what he did.  Mr. Bomar 
            replied saying, "I am truly sorry for that happening.  Yes, yes, I 
            am 100 percent truly sorry for that happening.  I had no idea that 
            it was gonna do this".   
            When Ms. Etheridge spoke about their break-up, Mr. Bomar said he 
            thought she didn't want him anymore.  He said that's how he felt.  
            He said he never ignored her.  She said that was not true.  He then 
            told her after they got back from Portland, he had to go to 
            California because his brother "got the death sentence".  He said, 
            "literally after we got back".   Ms. Etheridge said she didn't hear 
            anything about that.  He told her he had to go to California.  She 
            asked him why he never told her about that.  She told him, "After 
            Portland you just left the state and didn't bother to let me know 
            that".  Mr. Bomar said he reached out to her, but she didn't want to 
            see him anymore.  She said he ignored her for almost a week before 
            reaching out to her.  She said when she came to the realization that 
            he hurt her, she didn't want to see him anymore.  She told him, 
            "After being ignored and basically raped in the ass, of course I 
            didn't want anything to do with you".  Mr. Bomar said, "I did not 
            rape you...I've never raped a human being in my life".  Mr. Bomar 
            said, "And if you were blacked out, it was to, uh, I, I, I get that. 
             I get that that that's how you feel.  I totally get that".  Ms. 
            Etheridge told him that's not how she feels, that's what happened.  
            He told her he doesn't understand where the blackout came in.  I 
            said, "I don't understand where any of this came in, because there 
            was, there was, I mean it was, it, oh my gosh, there are just, I 
            mean, I, I don't know what else to say.  I don't, because this is 
            not what it, what it seems to be.  I swear, and you're not, I don't 
            understand where any of this come came from.  Where the blackout 
            came from".  Mr. Bomar said, " doesn't make sense, because we 
            conversed, we talked, we laid there".  Ms. Etheridge said she 
            doesn't remember any of that.  She began telling Mr. Bomar about her 
            symptoms at the table at the restaurant and he asked her if she was 
            implying that he put something in her drink.  He said, "Well, I'll 
            take a polygraph.  I'll take a polygraph if I have to".   He said he 
            would never do that to her.  He told her, "And I don't know what 
            else I can say.  I don't,  I, I never would do this to you.  I, I 
            really would never put something in your drink.  I would never drug 
            you.  I've, I've, that's I, I don't even get that.  I don't even 
            know how that even came about and I don't know what to say because 
            there was nothing, I mean".  He continued saying, "I wanna be able 
            to work through this with you and try to work through this together. 
             I really really do because I don't want anything bad happening 
            here.  I don't want you, when you talk about hurting yourself, I 
            don't, that makes me sick to my stomach".  Ms. Etheridge asked Mr. 
            Bomar, "Who took my clothes off?"  He responded saying, "I don't 
            know, we were in bed,  I mean it was , we had an intimate evening 
            and I didn't know it was like this".  
            During this part of the conversation, there were several long pauses 
            in Mr. Bomar's responses.  Ms. Etheridge asked him if he was still 
            there a couple times.  Mr. Bomar said he was still there, then said, 
            "I'm just workin this through my head right now.  I'm tryin' to work 
            this through so to, to come up with some kind of answers and stuff 
            and I'm replaying it over, goin' and goin' I, I had no, there were 
            no indications of blackin' out.  There was, we had a good morning 
            the next morning...I remember going to Starbucks".  She asked again 
            if there were discussion about having anal sex.  Mr. Bomar said he 
            remembers asking Camille, "Is this okay?"  Mr. Bomar then said 
            Camille told him, "Be careful.  I just remember bits and pieces of 
            stuff like that and, you know, it was 2 years ago, over 2 years 
            ago...".  Ms. Etheridge told him, "There is no way in hell I would 
            ever agree to do that".    Mr. Bomar told Ms. Etheridge that he 
            wished she would have spoken to him about this a long time ago so we 
            could work this out instead of wait 2 years later.  
            The conversation led to when Mr. Bomar had to go to his brother in 
            California because he was dying of cancer.  He again told Ms. 
            Etheridge that it was right after they got back from Portland.  Ms. 
            Etheridge reiterated that he did not even communicate that with her. 
             She said, "...since you love me so much and we were so close that 
            you wouldn't reach out to your girlfriend for some support but you 
            didn't".  There was another long pause from Mr. Bomar.  Ms. 
            Etheridge asked if he was still there and he said, "Still here, I'm 
            I, I don't know what to say to you about that".   
            Mr. Bomar told Ms. Etheridge, "I just wish I knew how we could work 
            through this".  Ms. Etheridge said she was trying to work through 
            this by calling him, but doesn't feel he is being honest with her.  
            Mr. Bomar said, "I am being, I'm being totally transparent and 
            honest with you through this whole thing right now.  I am and that's 
            but you, you just, you don't, you don't believe me".   
            Ms. Etheridge asked Mr. Bomar, "Who initiated the sex?"  Mr. Bomar 
            said they were talking.  He continued saying, "We were both intimate 
            and we were having intercourse and things were goin' great.  We were 
            doin' what we would, what we done and things were goin' great 
            between us.  We everything was really good.  It was nice. We were, 
            we were havin' our, our moment and when other things started, you 
            were okay with it.  I asked is this okay? And you were, you said 
            just be careful.  Everything was fine.  I had no idea that it was, 
            that you were blacked out".  Ms. Etheridge said, "That is absolutely 
            fucking absurd".  She told him that he was just making him mad now.  
            She told him this isn't helping.  Mr. Bomar told her he never meant 
            to hurt her.  He said, "...I understand how you feel.  What would, I 
            mean , I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you and try to hide stuff.  
            I'm try, I'm, I'm bein', I'm bein very honest with you about this 
            and I'm , I'm trying to so hard try to work through this and I want 
            to work through this with you.  I, I, would like nothin' more.  I, 
            I, I worry about anything with you, worry about anything happening 
            to you.  You, when you talk about, you know, hurting yourself, 
            that... that sucks".  Ms. Etheridge interrupted him saying, "You are 
            the one that hurt me the worst so you don't have to worry about any, 
            anything else happening to me.  You've done plenty".  
            Mr. Bomar told her how she feels about him really matters to him.  
            She told him that he knows now.  So she said goodbye to him and 
            after he said goodbye, she hung up the phone.
            At 3:06pm, I turned off the digital audio recorder.                  
            CASE STATUS:
            Case continues.  Please refer to subsequent reports following this 
            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955

Supplemental Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:03/18/2019 13:41
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:03/18/2019 13:41
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 

            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Fran Ferder, Gleneden Beach, Lincoln County, Oregon
            Myra Thompson DNP, Lincoln City, Lincoln County, Oregon 
            Jennifer Hamilton, MD, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon 
            Arun Ramon, Surgeon, Samaritan Health Services, Lincoln City, 
            Lincoln County, Oregon 
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
              Medical records from: Dr. Myra Thompson, Dr. Arun Raman, Dr. Fern 
              Ferder and Dr. Jennifer Hamilton 

            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being anally raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  
            I was told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a 
            Lincoln City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident 
            occurred in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 
            when Mr. Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle 
            and OSP Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I 
            was advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective 
            Carlos Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            On Thursday, March 7, 2019, Camille Etheridge consented and signed 
            'release of information' forms from the following doctor's offices; 
            Adventist Health Bayshore (Dr. Myra Thompson), Samaritan Health 
            Services (Dr. Arun Raman), Catalyst Psychiatry (Dr. Jennifer 
            Hamilton), and TARA Oregon Therapy & Renewal Associates (Dr. Fran 
            Ferder).  The following information is a summary of what was 
            disclosed within the documents sent to me either by US Postal 
            service, fax and/or email.  Please refer to the complete transcripts 
            and medical records submitted into evidence at the Oregon State 
            Police Newport office.    
            On March 5, 2019, I contacted Dr. Fran Ferder , a clinical 
            psychologist who has known and counseled Ms. Etheridge for 
            approximately 3 years.  Ms. Etheridge called Dr. Ferder and gave her 
            consent for me to speak with Dr. Ferder.  Dr. Ferder also provided 
            me with correspondence emails between her and Ms. Etheridge.  Upon 
            initial telephone contact with Dr. Ferder, she told me she is glad 
            Ms. Etheridge is finally coming forward and reporting this to 
            police, she must feel safe now.  Dr. Ferder told me it is common for 
            a victim of sex abuse not to report right away, if ever.  Dr. Ferder 
            added that she remembers Ms. Etheridge being adamant about not 
            reporting the abuse to police because she was scared about 
            retaliation.  Not to herself necessarily, but to her son who also 
            lived in Lincoln City.   Dr. Ferder told me Ms. Etheridge is 'as 
            honest as the day is long' and is a 'survivor'.  I asked when Dr. 
            Ferder had knowledge about what Ms. Etheridge is alleging.  Dr. 
            Ferder told me she remembers getting an email from Ms. Etheridge 
            asking to speak with Dr. Ferder.  Dr. Ferder sent me the email and 
            it is dated March 21, 2017 at 1:56pm.  In the email, Ms. Etheridge 
            "The super fantastic police officer that I was seeing and I went up 
            to Portland about 2 months ago for the night.  We went out for a 
            drink.  I had only 2 mixed drinks.  The last thing that I remember 
            was taking a sip of my second drink and then when I "came to", it 
            was about 3 hours later and I was completely naked and he was 
            holding me down by the back of my neck and was sodomizing me.  I 
            have been in shock and in somewhat of a daze over it since.  I 
            stopped talking to him when we got back.  I am not sure if that 
            constitutes rape, but it sure feels like it... not to mention it 
            being extremely physically painful.  Even if it could be considered 
            a rape, he is a cop and a highly regarded one at that, so there is 
            no reason to make an enemy of him.  I think that he would try to get 
            me back by bothering Ian, not me directly.  I will just consider it 
            a lesson learned.  I would like to get back into a regular routine 
            with therapy". 
            Ms. Etheridge met with Dr. Ferder the following day.  Dr. Ferder 
            remembered Ms. Etheridge clearly being terrified going to police 
            thinking that Bobby would then go after her son, Ian.  Dr. Ferder 
            told me she has a brother who is a private investigator, Robert 
            Ferder.  She offered Ms. Etheridge his services, that he could 
            possibly see if there is any video surveillance at the restaurant or 
            hotel they had stayed at.  Dr. Ferder told me Ms. Etheridge appeared 
            to have thought about it, but told her 'no' a couple days later.  
            Dr. Ferder told me Ms. Etheridge said it would most likely get back 
            to police and Bobby would find out.  Ms. Etheridge continued to see 
            Dr. Ferder until her insurance coverage 'ran out' and she was unable 
            to pay for the sessions. 
            On March 7, 2019, I received medical records from Dr. Jennifer 
            Hamilton of 'Catalyst Psychiatry' in Corvallis, Benton County, 
            Oregon.  Ms. Etheridge signed a 'release of records' form to allow 
            me to review her medical records with Dr. Hamilton.  Ms. Etheridge 
            had seen Dr. Jennifer Hamilton for medication management for her 
            Bipolar disorder, OCD and PTSD since April 2016.  On June 28, 2017, 
            during a routine evaluation and maintenance of Ms. Etheridge's 
            previous diagnosis and medication, Ms. Etheridge disclosed to Dr. 
            Hamilton about the sexual assault in December.  Dr. Hamilton 
            documented the disclosure in her notes and recommended Ms. Etheridge 
            to continue to see Fran Ferder for therapy.  Dr. Hamilton also did 
            not adjust doses or add any medication due to the disclosure.  Due 
            to Ms. Etheridge's fear in reporting the December incident to 
            police, Dr. Hamilton urged Ms. Etheridge to try to gain any 
            evidence, even though she doesn't want to pursue anything now.  Dr. 
            Hamilton called the Oregon State Police to see if they would be the 
            ones to investigate such a situation and they said the Department of 
            Justice would be the ones.  Her notes do not indicate who she spoke 
            with at the Oregon State Police.  Several appointments later, Ms. 
            Etheridge discontinued seeing Dr. Hamilton because she could not 
            afford to maintain her sessions with Catalyst Psychiatry.   
            On April 4, 2017, Ms. Etheridge was seen by Dr. Myra Thompson at 
            Adventist Health in Lincoln City.  Ms. Etheridge signed a 'release 
            of records' form to allow me to review her medical records with Dr. 
            Thompson.  Ms. Etheridge scheduled a routine gynecological exam and 
            also disclosed to Dr. Thompson the sex abuse incident from December 
            2016.  In the doctor's notes, Dr. Thompson wrote, "While on a date 
            in Portland she recalls taking a sip of her drink and then does not 
            recall anything else for hours - woke up being sodomized by the man 
            she was dating.  She is refusing to press charges "He is a respected 
            person in the community and no one would believe me anyway"  Patient 
            is in counseling and has good support there...She fears retaliation 
            from this person to herself and her son if she speaks up".  Ms. 
            Etheridge reported rectal bleeding stating to Dr. Thompson, "now bad 
            enough that she thinks she has started her period.  Some rectal 
            incontinence".  Later during the appointment, Dr. Thompson wrote, "I 
            did advise her to report this abuse to the state police - not local 
            police - and she will consider this but does not feel safe doing so. 
             She was encouraged to continue with counseling...Permission given 
            to make Dr. Ramen aware of her abuse hx as he will be performing the 
            colonoscopy exam".  The results of Ms. Etheridge's pap smear stated 
            a positive specimen for HR HPV infection.  Ms. Etheridge has 
            continued to see Dr. Thompson for her gynecological exams subsequent 
            to April 4, 2017.    
            On May 24, 2017, Ms. Etheridge was referred to Dr. Arun Raman at 
            Samaritan Health Services in Lincoln City and underwent a rectal 
            exam under anesthesia (colonoscopy) with Dr. Raman.  Ms. Etheridge 
            signed a 'release of records' form to allow me to review her medical 
            records with Dr. Raman.  Patient admission information summarized 
            the appointment occurring on May 24, 2017. The appointment reason 
            was listed as 'hemorrhage of anus and rectum and incontinence of 
            feces'.  Dr. Raman indicates in his notes before the exam, "We will 
            do an EUA (exam under anesthesia) and check for internal 
            hemorrhoids, and any evidence of anorectal trauma.  It's been 5 
            months and this might be hard to assess".  He also writes, "Due to 
            the nature of her trauma, I don't think a colonoscopy would be high 
            yield for a cause of bleeding - it's likely all from the anorectal 
            area".  Upon speaking with Dr. Raman on March 20, 2019 by telephone, 
            he told me a colonoscopy examines three feet into the intestine; due 
            to the nature of her trauma, he would probably only need to look in 
            the rectum, which is 20 cm.   After the exam, Dr. Raman wrote notes 
            pertaining to the procedure in detail.  Dr. Raman wrote, 'A rectal 
            exam was performed and no abnormalities were noted', 'we noted small 
            low internal hemorrhoids in the left lateral and right anterior 
            positions', 'There was no active bleeding', 'There was a small 1mm 
            posterior mucosal tear but no significant fissures', 'No foreign 
            bodies were noted'.  The disposition of the rectal exam was to 
            continue high fiber, reassess in 4-6 weeks, and if still has 
            concerns then might need colorectal surgery consultation.  
            Upon speaking with Dr. Raman, I asked about the exam and his 
            findings more specifically.  He told me he remembers Ms. Etheridge 
            very vividly and remembers their conversation.  He told me when Ms. 
            Etheridge came in to his office, she advised him her symptoms and 
            gave a brief statement as to how it occurred.  He said she didn't go 
            into details, but did say she was sexually assaulted.  Dr. Raman 
            asked if she reported it to police, if she felt safe.  She said she 
            was safe, but had concerns about the person who did this to her and 
            didn't report it to police.  Dr. Raman gave her some counseling 
            options, but they did not get into specifics about what happened.  
            Because the alleged trauma occurred five months prior, He told me 
            the procedure was not a sexual assault exam, and it was not his 
            intent to confirm a sexual assault.  He said when patients report 
            rectal bleeding, they can be attributed to hemorrhoids and/or 
            fissures (a tiny little tear typically from constipation), usually 
            the patient is examined with a finger in the exam room.  Dr. Raman 
            discussed this with Ms. Etheridge and she advised she would not be 
            comfortable with that and asked if the exam could be done by 
            anesthesia and Dr. Raman said absolutely that can be done.  During 
            the colonoscopy exam, Dr. Raman noted small hemorrhoids and a tiny 
            I asked Dr. Raman about the exam findings and his conclusions.  I 
            told Dr. Raman I was reading the 'patient admission information' 
            page regarding the 'final diagnoses' from Ms. Etheridges's 
            colonoscopy and asked him how the sexual abuse had been confirmed.  
            Within this page the results are coded; K62.5 [Principal] Hemorrhage 
            of anus and rectum, R15.9 Full incontinence of feces, T74.21XS Adult 
            sexual abuse, confirmed, sequela, and K64.8 Other hemorrhoids.  Dr. 
            Raman advised he did not note his findings of sexual abuse were 
            confirmed.  He was unable to locate the page I was referring to but 
            informed me that the hospitals computer system only allows certain 
            categories for documentation and billing purposes.  His coding for 
            diagnosis is different.  He stated to me his medical findings were 
            labelled as such; 'Hemorrhage of rectum and anus [K62.5], 
            Incontinence of feces, unspecified fecal incontinence type [R15.9], 
            Sexual assault of adult, initial encounter [T74.21XA]'.  I observed 
            this page he was referring and also noticed his information was 
            electronically signed by him.  The 'patient admission information' 
            page was not.  We both were aware of the discrepancy and he assured 
            me his notes were accurate as to what he documented after the 
            procedure.  Dr. Raman told me there was no objective evidence of a 
            sexual assault five months later.  Dr. Raman told me he did not find 
            any evidence to the complications of the alleged trauma, not to say 
            that it couldn't have happened.  Dr. Raman explained the blood Ms. 
            Etheridge was experiencing could have been caused from an existing 
            hemorrhoid, which is just a blood vessel, that may have been 
            irritated by trauma or an assault.  She may have never have known 
            she had hemorrhoids until the alleged assault occurred.  Dr. Raman 
            told me he did not find any evidence to the complications to the 
            alleged trauma, not to say that it couldn't have happened. 
            I asked him how resilient the rectum is and if he could 'tell' if 
            someone had anal intercourse.  Dr. Raman told me he would not be 
            able to tell if someone had anal sex.  He continued saying the anal 
            sphincter muscle is extremely pliable.  He said if these muscles 
            were relaxed and there was plenty of lubrication, something as big 
            as a fist could be inserted into this area and it would go back to 
            normal after being removed.  He also told me if an exam was 
            performed right after anal sex, it could be possible to see friction 
            or if it was a violent assault.  There is a lot of compliance with 
            that muscle, he said, and there is no guarantee he would be able to 
            see physical evidence immediately after penetration.  Dr. Raman told 
            Ms. Etheridge at the end of the exam, if her symptoms continued, he 
            advised she can go forward with more invasive tests and he explained 
            the tests.  Ms. Etheridge said she would contact him if the symptoms 
            continued.  To Dr. Raman's knowledge, she had not contacted his 
            office since the exam on May 24, 2017. 
            CASE STATUS:
            Case continues.  Please refer to subsequent reports following this 
            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955

Supplemental Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:03/27/2019 14:30
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:03/27/2019 14:30
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 

            Matt Lawson, Lieutenant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Steve Hinkle, Sergeant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Sarah Sabri, Former girlfriend of Mr. Bomar
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  I was 
            told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a Lincoln 
            City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident occurred in 
            Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 when Mr. 
            Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle and OSP 
            Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I was 
            advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective Carlos 
            Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            During the week of March 11, 2019, I was given information regarding 
            a former girlfriend of Bobby Bomar's who may have had a similar 
            experience with Mr. Bomar as Ms. Etheridge.  On March 27, 2019, I 
            attempted to contact Sarah Sabri by telephone.  Ms. Sabri had worked 
            in Lincoln County and had a serious relationship with Mr. Bomar 
            during 2006-2007.  She said their relationship was not publicly 
            known due to their respective jobs.  Ms. Sabri had been a Deputy 
            District Attorney and Mr. Bomar was employed at Lincoln City Police 
            Department.  I had known Ms. Sabri professionally through the 
            Lincoln County District Attorney's office and I was told through 
            another law enforcement official about her relationship with Mr. 
            Bomar.  At approximately 4:25pm, I received a call back from Ms. 
            Sabri.  She remembered who I was and agreed to speak with me about 
            their relationship.  
            Ms. Sabri was very curious about the call and why I would be 
            interested in her relationship with Mr. Bomar.  I advised Ms. Sabri 
            that I am investigating a female who has come forward alleging Mr. 
            Bomar sexual assaulted her while they were dating in 2016.  I told 
            Ms. Sabri I had understood she had a serious relationship with Mr. 
            Bomar and may have observed or experienced odd behavior from Mr. 
            Bomar.  Ms. Sabri did not hesitate saying she remembers Bobby not 
            being honest with her regarding his sexual activity while they were 
            dating.  She dated Bobby from July 2006 until June 2007.  Ms. Sabri 
            admits she was only 24 years old when they were dating and said she 
            was very naive.  She told me now looking back on their relationship, 
            it was a toxic relationship for her and she would have broken up 
            with Bobby much earlier. 
            Early on she said Bobby acted like he was hiding things from her, 
            but then would try to convince her otherwise.  She told me he kept 
            talking her out of making a big deal about him looking on dating web 
            sites while they were dating, or Ms. Sabri finding female clothing 
            at his house while they were dating.  She said Bobby would say, 
            'it's my sisters' or 'it's my ex-wifes stuff' in explaining why 
            other female clothing was at his place.  She gave me an example of 
            his dishonesty by telling me about how Bobby always using her 
            personal computer when he'd stay at her house.  Ms. Sabri was 
            curious to what he was viewing and would check his browsing history 
            on her computer but found Bobby deleted the information.  Ms. Sabri 
            felt this was odd because he was so secretive about it, so she 
            placed a 'Key Logger' on her computer.  This enabled Ms. Sabri to 
            research Bobby's history during the times when he was on her 
            computer.  It would also show Bobby's side of a conversation if he 
            was communicating with someone.  She told me she doesn't think he 
            knew she did this, but was shocked at what she saw and what he was 
            doing.  He had his profile on dating apps and had several 
            conversations, sexual in nature, with females and males, with him 
            saying how there is no one to date at the coast.  When she 
            confronted him about the dating apps, he wouldn't answer her 
            questions.  Sometimes he would tell her there was nothing to the 
            profile and she was making a big deal about it.  Ms. Sabri told 
            Bobby he was hurting her feelings and he would respond by saying, 'I 
            never would want to hurt you'.  Sometimes he would use taking his 
            'Ambien', as an excuse.   Ms. Sabri told me she was convinced he was 
            also seeing men romantically.  From her computer, she had identified 
            a man locally, intercepting Bobby's conversation with this man, but 
            did not approach Bobby about it.  Ms. Sabri told me Bobby and her 
            would have unprotected sex since he had a vasectomy.  She told me 
            when they finally did break up, she went to a gynecologist to get 
            tested for STD's, making sure she had not contracted anything.  
            Ms. Sabri then told me there was a time that sticks out in her mind. 
             She paused and told me she has had only two experiences in her 
            lifetime where things were foggy or she felt she was missing bits 
            and pieces of events.  One of those experience was in a safe 
            environment when she was traveling with some girlfriends.  She did 
            not remember the walk back to their hotel, but nothing questionable 
            happened to her.  The other experience was with Bobby.  She 
            proceeded to tell me the incident with Bobby that was fuzzy to her.  
            She told me it was early in the relationship, maybe August of 2006.  
            She told me she knew Bobby took Ambien to help him sleep and 
            admitted she didn't know much about the drug.  One night she asked 
            him if she could try one because she hadn't been sleeping well.  
            Bobby gave her one of his Ambien.  Ms. Sabri told me she and Bobby 
            began to have sex and she said "This was the part where it got 
            foggy".  Ms. Sabri said she doesn't remember what happened once they 
            started having sex, but she woke up to being confident she had been 
            anally penetrated.  Ms. Sabri told me the last thing she remembers 
            was her and Bobby fooling around, beginning to have vaginal sexual 
            intercourse, but then remembering nothing until waking up the next 
            morning feeling pressure and sensitivity in her rectum.  Ms. Sabri 
            said she had never had anal sex before and has not had it since this 
            experience.  She also said she has never taken another Ambien 
            either.  She told me she didn't bring it up with Bobby and he didn't 
            mention it to her.  I asked her why she didn't ask Bobby about it.  
            She told me she feels it was kind of on her since she asked for the 
            Ambien.  She admits it was weird that Bobby didn't mention what he 
            had done.  She admits she would've acted differently and not 
            tolerated it if that were to have happened today.  I asked Ms. Sabri 
            if Bobby ever asked her if they could have anal sex.  She told me 
            "No".  She told me the closest he ever got to anal anything is when 
            he would fondle her bottom while having vaginal sex. 
            She told me she didn't truly realize how potent the Ambien was until 
            she told me about one night, late, where Bobby left several voice 
            messages on her phone regarding an 'accident' that happened.  She 
            told me it was hard to understand what he was saying.  He was 
            talking like he had been drinking and she knew he took Ambien.  One 
            message would say he thinks he hurt himself.  Another message said 
            he was fixing the molding in his house with a power tool and he cut 
            his fingers.  Another message would say he's bleeding pretty bad.  
            Ms. Sabri told me he was talking gibberish, but she felt it was 
            serious so she called an ambulance to his house.  He left another 
            voice message telling her he thinks he was going to the hospital.  
            When she responded to the hospital, the nurse told her she was 
            concerned as to why Bobby was so 'out of it'.  The nurse said his 
            blood alcohol content was too low for him to be impaired.  Ms. Sabri 
            told the nurse Bobby usually takes an Ambien at night and the nurse 
            then said 'Oh, that would do it'.  Ms. Sabri told me if she would 
            have known about how potent Ambien was, she would have never asked 
            Bobby for one.     
            Ms. Sabri also told me about a time when a married couple from 
            Washington state came down to visit Bobby.  She told me this couple 
            happened to be 'swingers' and Ms. Sabri told me Bobby was trying to 
            inquire if she'd be into that too.  She told him she wasn't into 
            that.  Ms. Sabri remembers at one point, the four of them drinking 
            then going into the hot tub.  The couples were 'making out' with 
            their respective partners when she felt she was digitally 
            penetrated.  She admits to being a bit buzzed from the alcohol and 
            at that moment, she stopped kissing Bobby and saw both of his hands. 
             She was confused about who was doing that to her and she got out of 
            the hot tub immediately.  Ms. Sabri tried to get Bobby to explain 
            whose fingers those were inside of her and Bobby defended his 
            friend, saying it was "absurd" she was accusing his friend of that.  
             He would convince her she was too sensitive, jealous and 
            over-reacting.  She told me if she hadn't been drinking she would 
            have left his house.  The next morning, Ms. Sabri approached the 
            wife saying she wasn't on board with the 'swingers thing' and the 
            female told her 'okay, some people aren't into it'.    
            Ms. Sabri told me their relationship finally ended in June of 2017 
            when she came back from a Germany trip with her family.  When she 
            got back, Ms. Sabri told me Bobby was acting weird and pretty much 
            told her he didn't have time for a relationship.  Not long after 
            they broke up, Ms. Sabri received a job offer to be a Deputy 
            District Attorney in Lane County, so she accepted the job and moved 
            away from Lincoln County.  
            She told me she learned a lot of lessons from this relationship and 
            how awful and manipulating Bobby was.  She told me if she would have 
            trusted herself more, she would have left him much earlier.  She 
            also told me she went to counseling because of the relationship.  In 
            fact, she said, Bobby recommended the same counselor he was seeing.  
            His ex-wife was also seeing this counselor.     
            CASE STATUS:
            Case continues.  Please refer to subsequent reports following this 
            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955

Supplemental Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:04/01/2019 12:41
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:04/01/2019 12:41
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 

            Matt Lawson, Lieutenant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Steve Hinkle, Sergeant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Selina Weitzel, Former girlfriend of Mr. Bomar
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  I was 
            told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a Lincoln 
            City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident occurred in 
            Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 when Mr. 
            Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle and OSP 
            Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I was 
            advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective Carlos 
            Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            During this investigation, I was advised by Camille Etheridge that 
            Bobby Bomar had been romantically involved with a dispatcher from 
            Lincoln City Police Department named Selina, then he moved in with 
            her.  Bobby lived with Selina during the same time Ms. Etheridge was 
            dating Bobby.  Ms. Etheridge was told by Bobby that their romantic 
            relationship had ended, but he still lived with her.  I attempted 
            several times to reach Selina by telephone and on Monday, April 1, 
            2019, I spoke with Selina Weitzel by telephone.  I asked her if I 
            could speak with her regarding her relationship with Bobby Bomar.  
            She said she would speak with me.  I told Ms. Weitzel I am 
            investigating allegations from a woman who had dated Bobby during 
            the same time he had lived with her. Ms. Weitzel was reserved and 
            did not discuss her relationship with Bobby in detail.  I asked her 
            how long they had dated.  Ms. Weitzel told me she and Bobby began 
            dating in about 2015 and continued into 2017.  She told me Bobby 
            lived with her until he moved out in March 2017.  I asked Ms. 
            Weitzel why they broke up and she said she never understood why he 
            broke up.  The last couple of months had been on and off and she 
            felt Bobby lost interest in her, but they stayed together because 
            she thought they were working on their relationship.  I asked her 
            what she would say if Bobby said they were just roommates during the 
            months of November through December 2016.  She said that would be 
            "untrue".  She said they were still 'a couple' until he moved out in 
            March of 2017.
            Ms. Weitzel told me she suspected Bobby had been seeing another 
            woman and that this information did not surprise her.  She told me 
            she had caught him speaking with women on-line, one being in China.  
            I asked Ms. Weitzel if she has ever heard of a woman named Camille 
            and she said, "No".  I asked her if Bobby ever told her he was going 
            to Portland for a weekend get-away.  She told me that was part of 
            their demise.  She explained because of her work hours, she couldn't 
            accompany him to his doctor's appointments in Portland.  She said he 
            would tell her he would stay with his sister when he had the 
            appointments.  She said she could never go with him.  
            I asked Ms. Weitzel if she remembers Bobby's brother being ill with 
            cancer.  She said she remembers.  I asked if she remembers Bobby 
            going to California when his brother was dying.  She told me she 
            thinks he died after her and Bobby broke up, but she thinks he went 
            to visit him while they were still together.  Ms. Weitzel told me 
            she couldn't remember the exact dates, but remembers reading on 
            Facebook how Bobby's brother had died.  She told me she didn't go to 
            California with him when he went to visit.  
            I asked how her and Bobby's relationship is now and she said she 
            considers him a friend and would not hesitate to reach out to him if 
            she needed anything.
            CASE STATUS:
            Case continues.  Please refer to subsequent reports following this 
            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955

Supplemental Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:04/01/2019 15:04
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:04/01/2019 15:04
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 

            Matt Lawson, Lieutenant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Steve Hinkle, Sergeant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Ian Leroy, Camille's son
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  I was 
            told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a Lincoln 
            City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident occurred in 
            Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 when Mr. 
            Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle and OSP 
            Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I was 
            advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective Carlos 
            Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            On March 8, 2019, Camille Etheridge emailed me advising she couldn't 
            sleep and had spoken to her son regarding what happened to her with 
            Bobby Bomar.  She told me she would rather have him hear it from her 
            than through the grapevine.  Ms. Etheridge told me he told her he 
            remembers her coming home from Portland and sleeping for the rest of 
            the day.  I asked if I could have her son's phone number and she 
            gave it to me.
            On April 1, 2019 at approximately 3:15pm, I contacted Ian Leroy by 
            telephone.  I asked him if he remembers when his mother went to 
            Portland for the night with her boyfriend a couple years ago.  He 
            said he does.  I asked why he remembers that day and Ian told me 
            because his mom never goes anywhere overnight, so it was a rarity.  
            I asked him what he remembers about it.  He said he was home when 
            she got home on Saturday around 11:45am-12:30pm.  He told me he 
            lived with her in Lincoln City at that time.  He remembers looking 
            at her wondering why she was dressed in what looked like "nighties". 
             He said she wasn't wearing normal daytime attire and that was odd 
            for his mom.  Ian continued saying his mom came home really "floaty 
            and not usual".  She seemed really out of it and sleepy and just 
            went into her room.  He said the days that followed, his mom was 
            flinchy and a little on-edge, wanting to be by herself most of the 
            I asked if he remembers having any contact with his mom while she 
            was in Portland and he thinks she texted him or called him that 
            Friday night, but can't remember which.  He said they communicate 
            quite a bit.
            Ian told me he is currently living with his mom now in Newport, but 
            is getting ready to move to the valley.
            CASE STATUS:
            Case continues.  Please refer to subsequent reports following this 
            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955

Supplemental Report:
      Author:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Report Time:04/08/2019 13:09
      Entered by:#32955 URBIGKEIT, CARLA Entered Time:04/08/2019 13:09
              Rape 1 ORS 163.375, Sodomy 1 ORS 163.405, Sex Abuse 1 ORS 163.427
              Public Official Investigation 

            Matt Lawson, Lieutenant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Steve Hinkle, Sergeant, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Carlos Barrientos, Detective, Oregon State Police, MCS/Salem
            Camille Etheridge, Victim
            Robert (aka: Bobby) Bomar, Suspect
            Katie Ortiz, Operations Manager at the Courtyard
            Dave Murray, General Manager at the Courtyard
            Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, Attn: Nicole Bockelman
            SUMMARY OF EVENTS:
            On February 25, 2019 at approximately 2:58pm, Chief Jason Malloy 
            contacted me regarding an adult female in their office who is 
            reporting being raped by a police officer of Lincoln County.  I was 
            told the allegations were against Bobby (Robert) Bomar, a Lincoln 
            City Police Sergeant.  I was also advised the incident occurred in 
            Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on December 17, 2016 when Mr. 
            Bomar was off-duty.  I contacted OSP Sergeant Steve Hinkle and OSP 
            Lieutenant Matt Lawson and advised of the allegation.   I was 
            advised to proceed with the investigation and OSP Detective Carlos 
            Barrientos would be assisting.
            ACTION TAKEN:
            During this investigation, I was advised by Camille Etheridge that 
            Bobby Bomar had reserved a room at the Marriott hotel.  Ms. 
            Etheridge was not sure which Marriott they stayed in, as there are 
            several in the Portland area.  She told me the hotel was within 
            walking distance to the sports bar, The Independent, where they had 
            On April 4, 2019, I responded to the Courtyard by Marriott, located 
            at 550 SW Oak Street, in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.  I 
            asked to speak with the manager and Katie Ortiz came out to meet me. 
             She told me she was the Operations Manager.  I told her briefly 
            about the investigation and how I was there to confirm or not 
            confirm a reservation made by Robert Bomar on December 17, 2016.  
            Ms. Ortiz went to a computer and confirmed Mr. Bomar reserved a room 
            at the Courtyard Hotel on December 17, 2016 and he checked out on 
            December 18, 2016.
            I asked Ms. Ortiz if there were any notes or reports written as to 
            how the room was left.  She researched for any staff notes regarding 
            the room Mr. Bomar had stayed in and there were none.  No other 
            information was obtained.  Ms. Ortiz advised to notify her manager, 
            Dave Murray, if any other information beyond verbal confirmation is 
            CASE STATUS:
            Venue established.
            Detective Carla Urbigkeit #32955 

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Jonathan Cable - DA - Use of Deadly Force by L.C.P.O. (5.1.20) David A. Xanatos, 40 shot in testicles by rubber bullet/ killed by officer bobby bomar et al.

drunk guy with holstered knife drinking at parking lot, has a long interaction with lincoln city police on a quiet night during covid shut...